Life is always taking unexpected turns and when it does, it is important for a Last Will and Testament to be updated accordingly. It will not do this automatically, so…
Curb Your Confusion: A Step By Step Guide To Probate When somebody dies, the executors named in the Will must go through a legal process known as probate. Step by…
Using A Will To Protect Your Children A Will isn’t just there to dictate what should happen to your assets after your death, it is also there to ensure your…
If one or both of your parents are moving into a care home, you will probably have mixed emotions. On the one hand, you will feel assured that they will…
Do you have ageing parents? If so, have they taken any action to preserve their assets/property? It is well worth finding out, as this could prevent their estate being significantly…
You will see this banner headline blazoned across most of our popular tabloids and probably by now it is challenging claim companies for space on day time television. If you…
Those of you who have seen his Oscar nominated role in “The Descendants” will know that the plot concerns the implications of his wife being found to be brain dead…